Resources and Readings


The Francis and Kathleen Rooney Center for the Study of American Democracy examines politics and policy making in the United States, leaving Notre Dame’s distinctive imprint on the study of American democracy. With a grounding in Notre Dame’s Catholic mission, the Center facilitates research on the critical issues facing America’s democratic system, and encourages Notre Dame’s students to be engaged in both civic and political life.

Recommended Readings:

d’Tocqueville, Alexis. (1945). Democracy in america. New York: Vintage Books.

Fiorina, M., Abrams, S. J., & Pope, J. C. (2010). Culture war? The myth of a polarized america. New York: Pearson Longman.

Huntington, Samuel P. (1981). American politics: The promise of disharmony. Cambridge: Belknap Press.

Macedo, Stephen, et al. (2005). Democracy at risk: How political choices undermine citizen participation, and what we can do about it. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press.

Wolfe, Alan & Katznelson, Ira. (2010). Religion and democracy in the united states: danger or opportunity? Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press.